metadata_registration_api package


Submodules module

metadata_registration_api.errors module

exception metadata_registration_api.errors.ApiBaseException

Bases: Exception

exception metadata_registration_api.errors.IdenticalPropertyException

Bases: metadata_registration_api.errors.ApiBaseException

exception metadata_registration_api.errors.RequestBodyException

Bases: metadata_registration_api.errors.ApiBaseException

exception metadata_registration_api.errors.TokenException

Bases: metadata_registration_api.errors.ApiBaseException

metadata_registration_api.model module

class metadata_registration_api.model.ControlledVocabulary(*args, **values)

Bases: metadata_registration_api.model.TopLevelDocument

Model for a controlled vocabulary.

A controlled vocabulary contains a list of possible items. See Property.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: mongoengine.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned


A unicode string field.


A field wrapper around MongoDB’s ObjectIds.


A list field that wraps a standard field, allowing multiple instances of the field to be used as a list in the database.

If using with ReferenceFields see: many-to-many-with-listfields


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for ListFields is []


The default QuerySet Manager.

Custom QuerySet Manager functions can extend this class and users can add extra queryset functionality. Any custom manager methods must accept a Document class as its first argument, and a QuerySet as its second argument.

The method function should return a QuerySet , probably the same one that was passed in, but modified in some way.

validate(*args, **kwargs)

Enforce unicity of CV item synonyms

class metadata_registration_api.model.CvItem(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument

An item in the list of controlled vocabularies


A unicode string field.


A unicode string field.


A unicode string field.


A list field that wraps a standard field, allowing multiple instances of the field to be used as a list in the database.

If using with ReferenceFields see: many-to-many-with-listfields


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for ListFields is []

class metadata_registration_api.model.DataObject(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A dictionary field that wraps a standard Python dictionary. This is similar to an embedded document, but the structure is not defined.


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for DictFields is {}


A unicode string field.


A list field that wraps a standard field, allowing multiple instances of the field to be used as a list in the database.

If using with ReferenceFields see: many-to-many-with-listfields


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for ListFields is []


A dictionary field that wraps a standard Python dictionary. This is similar to an embedded document, but the structure is not defined.


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for DictFields is {}


A reference to a document that will be automatically dereferenced on access (lazily).

Note this means you will get a database I/O access everytime you access this field. This is necessary because the field returns a Document which precise type can depend of the value of the _cls field present in the document in database. In short, using this type of field can lead to poor performances (especially if you access this field only to retrieve it pk field which is already known before dereference). To solve this you should consider using the LazyReferenceField.

Use the reverse_delete_rule to handle what should happen if the document the field is referencing is deleted. EmbeddedDocuments, DictFields and MapFields does not support reverse_delete_rule and an InvalidDocumentError will be raised if trying to set on one of these Document / Field types.

The options are:

  • DO_NOTHING (0) - don’t do anything (default).

  • NULLIFY (1) - Updates the reference to null.

  • CASCADE (2) - Deletes the documents associated with the reference.

  • DENY (3) - Prevent the deletion of the reference object.

  • PULL (4) - Pull the reference from a ListField of references

Alternative syntax for registering delete rules (useful when implementing bi-directional delete rules)

class Org(Document):
    owner = ReferenceField('User')

class User(Document):
    org = ReferenceField('Org', reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)

User.register_delete_rule(Org, 'owner', DENY)
class metadata_registration_api.model.DataObjects(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A ListField designed specially to hold a list of embedded documents to provide additional query helpers.


The only valid list values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.

class metadata_registration_api.model.Form(*args, **values)

Bases: metadata_registration_api.model.TopLevelDocument

MongoDB representation of a FlaskForm

The form contains multiple fields.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: mongoengine.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned


A unicode string field.


A ListField designed specially to hold a list of embedded documents to provide additional query helpers.


The only valid list values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.


A field wrapper around MongoDB’s ObjectIds.


The default QuerySet Manager.

Custom QuerySet Manager functions can extend this class and users can add extra queryset functionality. Any custom manager methods must accept a Document class as its first argument, and a QuerySet as its second argument.

The method function should return a QuerySet , probably the same one that was passed in, but modified in some way.

class metadata_registration_api.model.FormField(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A generic embedded document field - allows any EmbeddedDocument to be stored.

Only valid values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.


You can use the choices param to limit the acceptable EmbeddedDocument types


A unicode string field.


Hook for doing document level data cleaning (usually validation or assignment) before validation is run.

Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.


A unicode string field.


A list field that wraps a standard field, allowing multiple instances of the field to be used as a list in the database.

If using with ReferenceFields see: many-to-many-with-listfields


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for ListFields is []


A dictionary field that wraps a standard Python dictionary. This is similar to an embedded document, but the structure is not defined.


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for DictFields is {}


A unicode string field.


A unicode string field.


A reference to a document that will be automatically dereferenced on access (lazily).

Note this means you will get a database I/O access everytime you access this field. This is necessary because the field returns a Document which precise type can depend of the value of the _cls field present in the document in database. In short, using this type of field can lead to poor performances (especially if you access this field only to retrieve it pk field which is already known before dereference). To solve this you should consider using the LazyReferenceField.

Use the reverse_delete_rule to handle what should happen if the document the field is referencing is deleted. EmbeddedDocuments, DictFields and MapFields does not support reverse_delete_rule and an InvalidDocumentError will be raised if trying to set on one of these Document / Field types.

The options are:

  • DO_NOTHING (0) - don’t do anything (default).

  • NULLIFY (1) - Updates the reference to null.

  • CASCADE (2) - Deletes the documents associated with the reference.

  • DENY (3) - Prevent the deletion of the reference object.

  • PULL (4) - Pull the reference from a ListField of references

Alternative syntax for registering delete rules (useful when implementing bi-directional delete rules)

class Org(Document):
    owner = ReferenceField('User')

class User(Document):
    org = ReferenceField('Org', reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)

User.register_delete_rule(Org, 'owner', DENY)
class metadata_registration_api.model.History(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A unicode string field.


A unicode string field.


Datetime field.

Uses the python-dateutil library if available alternatively use time.strptime to parse the dates. Note: python-dateutil’s parser is fully featured and when installed you can utilise it to convert varying types of date formats into valid python datetime objects.

Note: To default the field to the current datetime, use: DateTimeField(default=datetime.utcnow)

Note: Microseconds are rounded to the nearest millisecond.

Pre UTC microsecond support is effectively broken. Use ComplexDateTimeField if you need accurate microsecond support.


A reference to a document that will be automatically dereferenced on access (lazily).

Note this means you will get a database I/O access everytime you access this field. This is necessary because the field returns a Document which precise type can depend of the value of the _cls field present in the document in database. In short, using this type of field can lead to poor performances (especially if you access this field only to retrieve it pk field which is already known before dereference). To solve this you should consider using the LazyReferenceField.

Use the reverse_delete_rule to handle what should happen if the document the field is referencing is deleted. EmbeddedDocuments, DictFields and MapFields does not support reverse_delete_rule and an InvalidDocumentError will be raised if trying to set on one of these Document / Field types.

The options are:

  • DO_NOTHING (0) - don’t do anything (default).

  • NULLIFY (1) - Updates the reference to null.

  • CASCADE (2) - Deletes the documents associated with the reference.

  • DENY (3) - Prevent the deletion of the reference object.

  • PULL (4) - Pull the reference from a ListField of references

Alternative syntax for registering delete rules (useful when implementing bi-directional delete rules)

class Org(Document):
    owner = ReferenceField('User')

class User(Document):
    org = ReferenceField('Org', reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)

User.register_delete_rule(Org, 'owner', DENY)
class metadata_registration_api.model.MetaInformation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A ListField designed specially to hold a list of embedded documents to provide additional query helpers.


The only valid list values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.


Boolean field type.


A unicode string field.

class metadata_registration_api.model.Property(*args, **values)

Bases: metadata_registration_api.model.TopLevelDocument

Model for a property

A property is assigned to a level.

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: mongoengine.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned


Hook for doing document level data cleaning (usually validation or assignment) before validation is run.

Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.


A unicode string field.


A field wrapper around MongoDB’s ObjectIds.


A unicode string field.


The default QuerySet Manager.

Custom QuerySet Manager functions can extend this class and users can add extra queryset functionality. Any custom manager methods must accept a Document class as its first argument, and a QuerySet as its second argument.

The method function should return a QuerySet , probably the same one that was passed in, but modified in some way.


A list field that wraps a standard field, allowing multiple instances of the field to be used as a list in the database.

If using with ReferenceFields see: many-to-many-with-listfields


Required means it cannot be empty - as the default for ListFields is []


An embedded document field - with a declared document_type. Only valid values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.

class metadata_registration_api.model.Study(*args, **values)

Bases: mongoengine.document.Document

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: mongoengine.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned


A ListField designed specially to hold a list of embedded documents to provide additional query helpers.


The only valid list values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.


A field wrapper around MongoDB’s ObjectIds.


An embedded document field - with a declared document_type. Only valid values are subclasses of EmbeddedDocument.


The default QuerySet Manager.

Custom QuerySet Manager functions can extend this class and users can add extra queryset functionality. Any custom manager methods must accept a Document class as its first argument, and a QuerySet as its second argument.

The method function should return a QuerySet , probably the same one that was passed in, but modified in some way.

class metadata_registration_api.model.StudyEntry(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument


A reference to a document that will be automatically dereferenced on access (lazily).

Note this means you will get a database I/O access everytime you access this field. This is necessary because the field returns a Document which precise type can depend of the value of the _cls field present in the document in database. In short, using this type of field can lead to poor performances (especially if you access this field only to retrieve it pk field which is already known before dereference). To solve this you should consider using the LazyReferenceField.

Use the reverse_delete_rule to handle what should happen if the document the field is referencing is deleted. EmbeddedDocuments, DictFields and MapFields does not support reverse_delete_rule and an InvalidDocumentError will be raised if trying to set on one of these Document / Field types.

The options are:

  • DO_NOTHING (0) - don’t do anything (default).

  • NULLIFY (1) - Updates the reference to null.

  • CASCADE (2) - Deletes the documents associated with the reference.

  • DENY (3) - Prevent the deletion of the reference object.

  • PULL (4) - Pull the reference from a ListField of references

Alternative syntax for registering delete rules (useful when implementing bi-directional delete rules)

class Org(Document):
    owner = ReferenceField('User')

class User(Document):
    org = ReferenceField('Org', reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)

User.register_delete_rule(Org, 'owner', DENY)

A truly dynamic field type capable of handling different and varying types of data.

Used by DynamicDocument to handle dynamic data

class metadata_registration_api.model.TopLevelDocument(*args, **values)

Bases: mongoengine.document.Document

Base class for all top level documents

All top level documents have a label, a name and a deprecated flag. The label is for displaying to the end user (external representation) and the name is used by the machine (internal representation). The name is expected to be unique for the model. To ensures that the name is converted to snake case before it is inserted into the database. The deprecated flag indicates if a document is no longer needed (alternative to delete it)


Hook for doing document level data cleaning (usually validation or assignment) before validation is run.

Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.


Boolean field type.


A unicode string field.


A unicode string field.

class metadata_registration_api.model.User(*args, **values)

Bases: mongoengine.document.Document

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: mongoengine.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned


Called before data is inserted into the database


A field that validates input as an email address.


A unicode string field.


A field wrapper around MongoDB’s ObjectIds.


Boolean field type.


A unicode string field.


The default QuerySet Manager.

Custom QuerySet Manager functions can extend this class and users can add extra queryset functionality. Any custom manager methods must accept a Document class as its first argument, and a QuerySet as its second argument.

The method function should return a QuerySet , probably the same one that was passed in, but modified in some way.


A unicode string field.

class metadata_registration_api.model.VocabularyType(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: mongoengine.document.EmbeddedDocument

Model which defines the allowed vocabulary.

It is used to validate user input. If the data type is ctrl_voc, only the items of ControlledVocabulary are allowed.


A reference to a document that will be automatically dereferenced on access (lazily).

Note this means you will get a database I/O access everytime you access this field. This is necessary because the field returns a Document which precise type can depend of the value of the _cls field present in the document in database. In short, using this type of field can lead to poor performances (especially if you access this field only to retrieve it pk field which is already known before dereference). To solve this you should consider using the LazyReferenceField.

Use the reverse_delete_rule to handle what should happen if the document the field is referencing is deleted. EmbeddedDocuments, DictFields and MapFields does not support reverse_delete_rule and an InvalidDocumentError will be raised if trying to set on one of these Document / Field types.

The options are:

  • DO_NOTHING (0) - don’t do anything (default).

  • NULLIFY (1) - Updates the reference to null.

  • CASCADE (2) - Deletes the documents associated with the reference.

  • DENY (3) - Prevent the deletion of the reference object.

  • PULL (4) - Pull the reference from a ListField of references

Alternative syntax for registering delete rules (useful when implementing bi-directional delete rules)

class Org(Document):
    owner = ReferenceField('User')

class User(Document):
    org = ReferenceField('Org', reverse_delete_rule=CASCADE)

User.register_delete_rule(Org, 'owner', DENY)

A unicode string field.


Convert a string into an internal representation (no leading and trailing whitespace, and intermediate whitespace replaced with underscore)


name – a given name


name in snake_case or None

metadata_registration_api.my_utils module

Module contents