
This chapter describes how to install and setup the metadata registration API (hereafter API). Before you can install the project, make sure that you meet the requisites:


Database The API uses MongoDB as data store. Independent on how you install the API, make sure you have the necessary credentials to access your MongoDB instance.

Dependencies The API has two internal dependencies. These dependencies are the ‘State Machine’ and the ‘Dynamic Form’. Both projects are listed as git repositories in the requirements.txt document. To download them, you must be able to access github with a SSH key. Check here for a better description.

Credentials / Configuration A configuration done through environment variables, make sure they’re all defined as needed.


The API can be installed in three different ways:

Although all three approaches work, we recommend running it either as a docker or podman container since it usually takes longer and is more error prone when installing the API in a conda environment.

Run as podman container

After, we have met the prerequisites, clone the git repository into our preferred directory. Change into the root directory of the project and copy the ssh private key (i. e. id_rsa) and the .credentials.yaml. Finally execute the following command:

$ ./

The script checks if an identical container is already running. If this is the case, the container is stopped and removed, and a new container is build and executed.

Run as docker container

After, we have met the prerequisites, clone the git repository into our preferred directory. Change into the root directory of the project and copy the ssh private key (i. e. id_rsa) and the .credentials.yaml. Finally execute the following command:

$ ./

The script checks if an identical container is already running. If this is the case, the container is stopped and removed, and a new container is build and executed.

Run in a conda environment

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